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I think you are unduely limiting yourself by only considering Canikon, there are other good fish in the sea. Without knowing your experience I would suggest that you should buy a relatively cheap bridge camera, or perhaps a Canon G secondhand, or Panasonic LX and use it intensively for a few months and then you will have a better idea of what you need in the way of a camera rather than asking questions here becuase we are all different with our personal likes and dislikes .... mine for instance was to effectively give Canikon away for Panasonic nearly a decade ago though I still keep them and they get used occasionally when they suit the nature of the exercise.
The cost could be two or three hundred dollars and be a good investment in knowledge to when you start splurging as you appear to be able to.
A final pertinent comment ... to properly use digital one needs to develop ones skills with an editor, a good one, not a simple and easy to use one.