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Thread: People have always been out of my comfort zone would love some CC

  1. #1
    Trina's Avatar
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    People have always been out of my comfort zone would love some CC

    Nature and landscapes have always kind of been my thing. I have taken a couple sets of pics and would love some thoughts about whats working and whats not. Thanks for looking.
    1. People have always been out of my comfort zone  would love some CC
    2. People have always been out of my comfort zone  would love some CC
    3. People have always been out of my comfort zone  would love some CC
    4. People have always been out of my comfort zone  would love some CC

  2. #2
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: People have always been out of my comfort zone would love some CC

    Often members put the best photo first but for me you have put the best last. The third one seems a little over exposed but the of more concern is the distracting top area that could be easily cropped out.

    Trina I like the composition and head angle in the first but the cropping is a bit tight. Cropping is largely a matter of taste and fashion. A few years ago very tight crops were the "thing" but now I think leaving a bit more space is often preferred. That may in fact be partly why I like the last one most even though I have a very minor reservation about the clipping of the top of her head.

    Your first model (if I was the photographer it would be victim) has a very strong resemblance to one of our neighbours who hails from England.

    Try and coax Colin into a response as he does much more portrait photography than I do. Anyway I am sure you will get plenty of generally favourable but constructive feedback.

  3. #3

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    Re: People have always been out of my comfort zone would love some CC

    "Try and coax Colin into a response as he does much more portrait photography than I do. Anyway I am sure you will get plenty of generally favourable but constructive feedback.[/QUOTE]"

    Coaxing Colin is the best idea. Personally I like #2 the best it seems to have the best lighting of this group.


  4. #4

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    Re: People have always been out of my comfort zone would love some CC

    I wonder if you could get away with just a fraction more highlight brightness on the first two. Which would make them look more like #3.

    #4 has some problems with that bright background. Would it be possible to tone that down slightly and boost her face? Considering the problems, this has worked well though.

    In fact, not much wrong will all of them. Good natural looking poses as well.

  5. #5
    Trina's Avatar
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    Re: People have always been out of my comfort zone would love some CC

    Thank you for your comments, I will work on it some more.... the top model (daughter) came into my life 31 years ago and its never quite been the same since... she is a good patient model (victim):>

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: People have always been out of my comfort zone would love some CC

    Trina I think you did very well with these shots.
    Agreed with Richard, you may consider cropping out the garden bed in #3.
    Overexposed portraits? What is an overexposed portrait? It is called high key shooting, mostly used to hide any skin blemishes.

    Very good use of flash – well done.

    They are all very nice but #4 just looks like a portrait shot by a portrait Photographer.

  7. #7

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: People have always been out of my comfort zone would love some CC

    People have always been out of my comfort zone  would love some CC

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: People have always been out of my comfort zone would love some CC

    Full face and flat lighting is often not the most flattering for persons with broader faces. However, a bit of tweaking in PP can sometimes help...
    People have always been out of my comfort zone  would love some CC
    I cannot really claim credit for this, it is done with Portrait Professional 9. Lots of photographers claim that Portrait Pro produces non realistic imagery but, with a bit of correction, it often produces an nice subtle change as I think this edit has done. What do you think? What I don't like is the black hole image left of her face between cheek and hair. There was no detail in the posted image but, perhaps you could manage to save some from the original image if it was shot in RAW. If you shoot in JPEG, I have only one comment: PLEASE DON'T!
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 28th November 2013 at 08:57 PM.

  9. #9
    Trina's Avatar
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    Re: People have always been out of my comfort zone would love some CC

    Hello, Thank you for your responses.... I have not been able to access the forums until now for some reason... Thank you Andre for your kind comments but I still have much to learn:>

    Thank you Collin, so much brighter, I do like that....much better...

    Richard, I like the subtle changes made here....I always shoot in Raw so its very possible I can lighten it a bit... I am learning the processing part of things:>I also need to learn more on posing I believe...

    I really appreciate you both taking the time to show me, it helps me a lot!

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