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Thread: Taken a plunge on micro 4/3

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Taken a plunge on micro 4/3


    I have decided, after much dithering, to dip my toe in the water of micro 4/3, and have ordered a (manufacturer refurb) Panasonic G5 with the kit zoom. Obviously not top of the range either in body or lens, but should be enough to see how I get on.

    Watch this space!


  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Taken a plunge on micro 4/3

    I am not crazy about the 4/3 system but, I am a great fan of Canon refurbished gear. I would expect that the Panasonic refurbs are in the same category.

    I think that refurbished gear is more reliable. At least I have found that with 3-purchases of refurbished bodies which had no problems against 2-purchases of new bodies which needed to go back to the service center for repair within the first 90-days of ownership! So essentially, I was working with two refurbished cameras for which I paid the new price.

    Every piece of refurbished gear is checked by a human being. This is not the case with "new " gear. All cameras which come off the assembly line are not checked by humans, only samples from each run are checked...

  3. #3

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    Re: Taken a plunge on micro 4/3

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post

    I have decided, after much dithering, to dip my toe in the water of micro 4/3, and have ordered a (manufacturer refurb) Panasonic G5 with the kit zoom. Obviously not top of the range either in body or lens, but should be enough to see how I get on.

    Watch this space!

    Well done. I have the GH1 and before it the G1. As to lenses, if you decide to go further and closer I can thoroughly recommend the Panasonic Leica Elmarit macro 45mm. I also have the earlier G1 kit lens 14-45mm which gets high marks from most folks compared to the later plastic-mount 14-42mm. I also have the 45-200mm but can't really comment 'cos I've only used it once.

  4. #4

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    Re: Taken a plunge on micro 4/3

    Welcome to the club. I have enjoyed my m4/3 camera (OM-D E-M5) and have only put it in the bag for glove weather. It is certainly nice to be able to take a camera and three lenses in a bag that would accommodate only one or two lenses for the Nikon DSLR gear. There are many advantages to both sorts of camera and I don't see doing anything other than shooting both for quite a while.

  5. #5

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    Re: Taken a plunge on micro 4/3

    Any refurb is generally better than new as it has more personal quality control done before sale.

  6. #6

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    Re: Taken a plunge on micro 4/3

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post

    I have decided, after much dithering, to dip my toe in the water of micro 4/3, and have ordered a (manufacturer refurb) Panasonic G5 with the kit zoom. Obviously not top of the range either in body or lens, but should be enough to see how I get on.

    Watch this space!

    G5 is a nice camera feels good in the hand and has a decent EVF. IQ is not the best in m4/3 land but seems to hold up well to say the canon 18mp sensor.

    which version of the 14-42? there are 3 and I can never remember what the kit is for the G5.

    if you need better lower light performance there are some good primes. the 20mm f1.7 is my fave!

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