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Thread: InkThrift CL - Black Friday Special

  1. #1
    Boatman's Avatar
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    InkThrift CL - Black Friday Special

    Jon Cone's new InkThrift CL, an archival replacement for Epson Claria Inks, is on sale today at The normal price is $174. Black Friday pricing is $114. This gets you down to about 1/20th the price of Claria inks for (claimed) similar quality.

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: InkThrift CL - Black Friday Special

    Although i cannot use this ink, I really appreciate members posting what they consider as good buys! I have been fortunate to be able to purchase several great deals after being alerted by Internet postings on this and other forums...

    Some of my best deals were a copy of Photoshop CS6 (probably the last time a boxed copy was available) on a two-day sale from a New England vendor for $249 U.S. Dollars. I also got in on a Lexar mistake and purchased three 8gb CF cards for $10 U.S. Dollars each. That was a mistake by Lexar. There was supposed to be a rebate of $10 per card but, the ad read that the final cost, after rebate, was $10 per card. Lexar, realizing their mistake, cancelled the rebate offer the next day but honored the offer for those persons who had already purchased the cards.

    Keep the notices coming guys. My wife asked me to spend some more money on photo gear

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