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Thread: Photoshop elements

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Rainford, Merseyside, UK

    Photoshop elements

    PhotoShop Elements 6 allows the processing of Jpeg and Tiff files in Adobe Camera Raw which I thought maybe useful to those members who have a compact camera which has'nt got a RAW capture mode.
    The procedure is:
    1) Open PSE in the Full Edit workspace
    2) Select File then Open As
    3) Browse for the file you want to process and single click
    4) From the Open As menu select Camera Raw
    5) Click OK and the file will appear the Adobe Camera Raw workspace.
    6) After processing select Open to transfer the file to the Full Edit workspace for any further adjustments.

    Regards, David

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Photoshop elements

    Hey thanks for this David,

    I had always wondered how to do it

    Do you mind if I re-title it slightly and link it from here?
    I would put it into the Post Processing section called "Opening jpg/tif with ACR from PS Elements"


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Rainford, Merseyside, UK

    Re: Photoshop elements

    No problem, your new title is much better.

    Kind Regards, David

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