Checked image upload for albums.File dimensions have changed to 800X800.Max weight 156.3 mb
Just a heads up.:)
Does image weight make a differnce,also? Say upload a file 800X800 but with a weight over the max of 156.3mb?
Printable View
Checked image upload for albums.File dimensions have changed to 800X800.Max weight 156.3 mb
Just a heads up.:)
Does image weight make a differnce,also? Say upload a file 800X800 but with a weight over the max of 156.3mb?
Hei Ron,
"Aussie" day in "Oslo", I suppose it almost makes sense ;)
If you could just confirm Ron:
a) You are NOT using 'Save for web' at anytime?
b) You are uploading to an album with the longest dimension (on any side) of less than 700?
c) In PSE8 (not ACR), if you attempt to Save As, while still in RAW/16 bit mode, it defaults to PSD, not TIFF? - even though you may not actually save in either format (I don't either), this seems to make a difference, as Wendy has found.
The last album picture of yours I see here at CiC is "Unused Steps" - uploaded yesterday at 799 x 639px and has no EXIF data.
Ron: The only thing I can find that might be causing your issue is that you might have the "ignore camera data EXIF files" box checked
Go to the EDIT MENU then PREFERENCES then SAVING FILES. You will see a check box that says"Ignore Camera Data EXIF Files" mine was unchecked by default but if it is checked on yours that could be where the problem is. If I notice anything else I will let you know.
Just one quick note though. I do not see the exif data when I check it here on the forum, but when I download the file back to my hard drive then I see it when I check the properties.
Dave and Wendy,
I'm a bit confused.I have PSE8 and sometimes open RAWs in DPP first(yes,still working on my workflow):othen I will convert and save as a .tiff.Take it into PSE for final processing.Then I'll resize,convert to jpeg and save.As long as I follow image posting parameters the EXIF data is intact.
Is the problem with .tiff conversion happening because you did the conversion in PSE?
Just got my answer.I did .tiff conversion in PSE,saved and opened again.Resized and converted to jpeg.Tested a post here.Yep,PSE strips EXIF when you do the .tiff thing.
Well, I never checked for it before yesterday so I just right clicked on the large picture in the album and checked Properties :o Nothing showed up so I did a save as and saved it to my hard drive. The file name is now changed to the name the forum uses so I know I'm checking the right file.
Once it is on my hard drive then it shows the exif for the PSD and not for the TIF
Same thing with yours. When I save to my hard drive they show exactly as you said.
Looks like we are finding some answers. The strange thing (to me) is that the original TIF before being uploaded still has the EXIF info (or is picking it up from somewhere on the hard drive) because when I check Properties of all my original TIF files that I've done in Elements they still show me the EXIF data.Quote:
Is the problem with .tiff conversion happening because you did the conversion in PSE?
Just got my answer.I did .tiff conversion in PSE,saved and opened again.Resized and converted to jpeg.Tested a post here.Yep,PSE strips EXIF when you do the .tiff thing.
When I check the one from the forum though (with the new filename usually Userxxxx_picxxxx_xxxx) the EXIF is gone on the TIF but remains on the PSD.
I don't need to understand it all, but the conclusion for me is, as Dave has already stated:
1. Keep the filesize to 600 on the longest side (although 800 seemed OK on at least one of mine)
2. Edit in PSD instead of TIF
3. Don't use Save to Web.
Hi Wendy,
In a browser without a plugin, you can't expect right click Properties to show the EXIF I'm afraid. You will have to get a plug in, as per post #5 above.
I've just downloaded some plugins and will install them later. For now the storing to HD and checking that way seems to be giving me accurate info. Just a bit of a pain though. I should have time to try out the plugins later. :)
Edit: by the way, what is the story with the cat. LOL I looked closer and see his problem now. :(
Please ignore ... I missed some posts above which I need to read
To continue the EXIF saga ...
Wendy (off line) has been helping me to try to find out why I do not get camera EXIF data on uploads to Albums ... we both use PSE8 and the same Nikon D3000 cameras.
Following a bit more investigation, it seems I do transfer the EXIF on 'plain jane' jpg pics but when I frame them this data is not uploaded even when the files are downloaded with max side being 700px ... though it is locally available on my pc PSE8 properties. Checking othet pics in eg competitions, there is a real 'cake mix' ... some pics have the data and many do not.
So it must come down to a 'cake mix' of so many variables and there is not a single solution unless 'out there' is the answer among our members? :cool:
Oh ... Wendy. I noticed when looking at your latest pics they show up as GIF on the Exif viewer? I recall you said that you had to replace some recently.
Oh and Dave ... your pics in Post 9 above now seem to also be GIF in the Exif viewer?? But your pic properties say jpeg (as do Wendy's) Am I going gaga!
Apologies Dave ... missed some posts. In answer:
(a) Have never used 'Save for Web'
(b) Have tried the 'under 700px' and will continue now always under 700
(c) Yes it defaults to PSD ... but I rarely use this and save direct in jpeg
The 'test uploads' I have done just today seem to suggest that straight pics OK but when framed no camera detail. Will also look at uploading at less than 195kb as you indicated in Post 23.**
**Just tried this (see my Album 'Test and Test1' pics).
'Test' without the frame gives the camera data but 'Test1' with a frame does not, even though I have it available locally. So I must conclude that if anyone needs the EXIF from me I will often need to advise it separately ;) ... or perhaps, do as Wendy does and include it in 'comment' below the posted pic.
Hello Ron; You're not going gaga. I got the same results using the Internet Exif viewer that Dave provided a link for I checked the shot that I had done a test on where I was sure I had the problem resolved and Lo and behold it showed up as a GIF. I had the same reaction as you and thought... Yeah right, now we can add GIF to the mix, and I don't work with GIF at all. I gave up on it for awhile.... :eek:Quote:
Oh ... Wendy. I noticed when looking at your latest pics they show up as GIF on the Exif viewer? I recall you said that you had to replace some recently.
Oh and Dave ... your pics in Post 9 above now seem to also be GIF in the Exif viewer?? But your pic properties say jpeg (as do Wendy's) Am I going gaga!
I finally broke down and did a search for exif viewers - there are a lot of them. I downloaded 3 but so far have just installed one called KUSO. So far it is working quite well and giving me the same information as what I get when going into Windows Explorer and checking Properties.
It was very easy to download and install, and sets itself up so that it is available with a right click on any photo online or off. I'm impressed so far.
I am assuming that you are using Internet Explorer, and Windows. If not then I don't know how it will work. I did not realize it before the forum upgrade, but the browser you are using can make quite a difference. Perhaps the linked one works better with Firefox or one of the other browsers. It seemed to be a mixed bag with me. Sometimes it gave the right info, sometimes it was totally off base. GIF indeed!!!!
I have quite a mix of shots also, and have decided that I will only worry about recent shots. I am hoping that if I follow the steps I'm using now, which for me is avoiding the TIF format, that the exif will stay in place. Future resizes will also be < 700 pixels. I suppose that includes the frame, so I'm going to have to do the math so I don't go oversize.
I'm going to try some frames one of these days and I'll let you know what happens. I think you are on the right track though, not to worry about old shots, the data could have been lost anywhere along the way (it seems). If you start with something recent though, and know every step that's been done, you should be able to figure out where it's being lost.
I really suggest getting one of the viewers installed. You can't tell anything until the shot is online (the info always shows up when I do the properties check on my hard drive), so then the only way to check is to bring it back to your hard drive and do a properties check on a copy of the one that is stored here.
Wish I had the answer, the only way I really trust to figure this out is by trial and error. It seems every system or process is so different that what works for one may or may not work for someone else.
In the meantime, I will try to remember to type in the main Exif on any shots that I post.That will have to do for now. If you post anything you'd like checked let me know and I'll see what I find on this end. It will be intersting to see if we both get the same EXIF from the same shot. :eek:
Hei Wendy,
Weird ain't it? I think I will let matters rest until I have had my week in Spain to warm up the brain!
Yes I do use IE8/Windows with Vista. And I use the Exif checker that Dave recommended ... that's where I saw the GIF.
Exif data is not really important as anyone can always enquire. But its annoying not to be able to solve it :( No doubt it will all come out in the wash as they say.
I must add that the new 'Cambridge' is good. A few probs according to some posts and it took me a while to work out how I could upload pics to my Album. But I got there finally. As for file size with frame you can do this easily once all is 'ready' (framed etc) in the usual way.
Now to watch a bit of telly about the Iraq Enquiries going on in the UK.
Work hard
Hi Wendy,
I've been using Kuso for the last year and it has worked flawlessly.
I'm letting it rest too. I just tried a couple more experiments, just to make sure the first one was not a fluke. Guess what EXIF is gone and I did everything exactly the same. :mad: I give up. Too much time wasted already, I will wait for the wash. :) I can see the Exif at home. If others can see it fine, if not, well I'd rather be straining my brain on something else, because this is making me want to type in all caps, I don't want to be rude, but I am at the point of yelling, so that's enough!! :confused:Quote:
Weird ain't it? I think I will let matters rest until I have had my week in Spain to warm up the brain!
Yes I do use IE8/Windows with Vista. And I use the Exif checker that Dave recommended ... that's where I saw the GIF.
Exif data is not really important as anyone can always enquire. But its annoying not to be able to solve it :( No doubt it will all come out in the wash as they say.
I'm liking the changes now too. The albums are actually easier to navigate, and I like the viewer in the threads. I'm even finding little buttons that might have been there before but I didn't see (like go to last post)Quote:
I must add that the new 'Cambridge' is good. A few probs according to some posts and it took me a while to work out how I could upload pics to my Album. But I got there finally. As for file size with frame you can do this easily once all is 'ready' (framed etc) in the usual way.
Watching the Iraq Enquiries sounds like a great way to relax. :rolleyes: You really do need a vacation. Enjoy Spain and forget about the rest of the world. Bring us all back some nice pictures.
Yes, I like it; very easy to install, no conflicts or other issues, and it works the way it's supposed to. I love when that happens. I just wish I could figure out how to get the EXIF to stay with my photos when they are uploaded here. As I said to Ron. I give up, but I know it will keep bothering me.
I don't get it either.Just uploaded some files and the EXIF data is gone.I'm with you,have other things more pressing than this problem.
Hei Wendy ... took your advice and now have KUSO. Seems OK (I was using Jeffrey's Viewer before) but of course if no camera settings Exif upload then no camera info :mad:
Ho hum ...
Just an added note. Been mucking about with bare pics and pics in frames and I managed to upload 'with frames' but at quite small file sizes 100kb ish ... the max kb file size must be the issue and I'm not so sure that if one uploads at the stated max of 195kb overall file size all is well ... think this needs an expert comment at some stage
Hello Ron: Jeffery's viewer seemed to work OK on some photos for me too, but when I got the GIF info back, that was the end of it. Don't know why it did that.Quote:
took your advice and now have KUSO. Seems OK (I was using Jeffrey's Viewer before) but of course if no camera settings Exif upload then no camera info :mad:
Ho hum ...
I'll keep an eye on the filesize thing. I've also been thinking maybe it has something to do with layers. I don't know, but I agree, we need an expert opinion. If someone comes back with some absolutes, then I'll start thinking about it again. I can only guess for a certain amount of time, and except for observing and trying to see an obvious pattern I've given upQuote:
Just an added note. Been mucking about with bare pics and pics in frames and I managed to upload 'with frames' but at quite small file sizes 100kb ish ... the max kb file size must be the issue and I'm not so sure that if one uploads at the stated max of 195kb overall file size all is well ... think this needs an expert comment at some stage