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Thread: slower shutter speed

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Beijing, China
    Real Name
    Ming LI

    slower shutter speed

    I saw a picture took by slower shutter speed to show the walking man. I tried to follow that photo like this. Is this one correct?
    slower shutter speed

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: slower shutter speed

    Correct is a relative thing; the real question is this the effect that you were trying to achieve. You effectively held the camera still, while the man was moving and blurred him, while keeping the background in focus.

    An alternative approach (which is more difficult to execute) is the have the man sharp while blurred everything else. As the man seems to be the subject, I would have preferred this approach. This would mean panning the camera at the same speed that the man is walking, which I think would have resulted in a stronger image.

    If you had used a flash with rear shutter (Nikon terminology) you could have had a similar impact; the man would be sharp with a blurred trail behind him.

    There are all kinds of different techniques to experiment with.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Beijing, China
    Real Name
    Ming LI

    Re: slower shutter speed

    Dear Manfred,
    Thank you very much. I will try the approach you recommended.

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