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Thread: Buying equipment at trade/consumer shows

  1. #1

    Buying equipment at trade/consumer shows

    Are trade or consumer shows a good opportunity to buy equipment at bargain prices? I'm looking for a new printer and wonder if it's worth holding on till the Photography Show at the NEC (UK) next March. Has anyone had a good bargain at a show before?

  2. #2
    victor's Avatar
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    David Victor Woods

    Re: Buying equipment at trade/consumer shows


    Never bought a major buy at trade shows, however friends have at a lower price than RRP.

    1. Decide what printer you want buy or range.
    2. See them working at the show
    3. Take a test image of yours (Canon and Epson Stands may print it for you - real time)
    4. Check all printers on offer ..
    5. Include Continuos Ink Systems (Epson have more available to fit than Canon Models)
    6. Pay by Credit Card
    7. Home delivery is also offered.

    Do not be pushed into buying you have to be happy with it long term...

    Best of Luck !!



  3. #3

    Re: Buying equipment at trade/consumer shows

    Thanks, Victor. It's a bargain on the Epson R3000 that I'm hoping for!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
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    Jeremy Rundle

    Re: Buying equipment at trade/consumer shows

    Just take plenty of money and go mad, then one thing you get at shows is a bargain and HAGGLE

  5. #5
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Buying equipment at trade/consumer shows

    I thought this years Focus was the last?

    I see there is a replacement show. You do get some 'Show Specials' so it might be worth waiting and remember all the new 2014 models will have been announced by then so you could grab a discontinued 2013 printer at a good price.
    Last edited by Black Pearl; 5th December 2013 at 06:54 PM.

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