Very, very, nice. The inclusion of the trees bottom right just adds a stop for eye. Good comp.
Awfy braw Sharon.
Cheers David
One day..when i grow up..i wanna be like Sharon..well... at least how she sees and envisions ," stuff ". Great work..again
John..thank you. I was quite tight with this one but I knew the trees needed to be there, just to break the horizontals if nothing else.
David..appreciate it muchly! very careful what you wish for and don't ever grow up!
And I like this very much too Sharon.
Another moody and enjoyable image, Sharon.
Thank you for sharing this very nice image Sharon. You really have an eye for making Images that Capture a mood. Keep up the good work.
Really nice. Made me reach for my sweater. What's that out in the water, Sharon? Boat? Mini island (Islet)? Did you think about removing it? Or for all I now you put it in to add a bit of mystery.
I really like the photo, but the border just isn't doing it for me. Something about the color seems in conflict with the scene.
Great capture.
Lovely image.
Nice work