I have been away from photography for about a year addressing a number of issues and I think it is time I got back into it.
After some soul searching on my part I think I know where I would like to fit in with my picture taking and processing. For starters, I find that I enjoy taking and processing images strictly for the fun of it, preferring to produce pictures that are enjoyable (at least to me) and pleasant to look at. I won’t be offended if you don’t like my work and I do listen to every critique that can help me be a better photographer so feel free to fire away and I will take all suggestions to heart.
Feel free also to take any of my images, change and repost it any way you feel will help improve them. I ask only that for the forum readers sake that you make it clear how you accomplished the changes as many of us may want to learn from your skills.
To accomplish my goals, I do not hesitate to use Photoshop CS5 and the Topaz Labs suite to get the best image I can from the capture I have and worry less about achieving technical perfection in-camera. That’s not to say that I don’t care about shooting accuracy or that I don’t lust over having a much better camera, but rather to say that a pleasing image satisfies me much more than an uninteresting subject that has been perfectly captured.
Most of my work is done with whatever natural light is available with the goal of producing the best looking, most interesting and thought provoking images I can. If the image is too ‘anything’ or the technique used is obvious, then it is a failure and I need to improve my skills in that area. I guess this means that I lean more toward producing artistic images and less toward photojournalism. I also like to constantly ask myself ‘what if’ questions then go on to explore different ways of producing images.
I have selected a few recent images for your consideration. All are hand held and shot with a Canon SX40. I don’t have any specific issues to resolve that come to mind but if you have questions or criticisms, please feel free to chime in.
Cartagena, Columbia
High Water Marks
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at Universal Studios
Riverbanks Zoo Grizzly Bear Siblings
The Caribbean Princess at Dawn
By the Stream
And just for fun, The Grove Park Inn Fireplace as an animated GIF
For additional images, please visit Frostbyte.SmugMug.com