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Beat a hasty retreat, I should be so lucky!! Every morning as soon as we open the curtains we have a couple of cockatoos who immediately zoom down and start tapping on the window asking to be fed. And if it happens to be one of those mornings when a little romance is in the air I can tell you it can be quite off putting having insistent wildlife looking over your shoulder. If we don't feed them as quickly as they deem appropriate then we suddenly hear a loud clunk..... which means the fly screen door is being attacked, cockatoos don't understand patience. And of course they win because they have us well trained so I end up standing there pretending to be filling the seed tray but in actual fact I am making sure that each bird takes a proper turn in sticking its head deep into the seed box I am holding. Then the butcher birds turn up wanting some meat which they will fly to my hand to take, they even bring their babies over to us to be fed. (But only small amounts of proper food so as not to mess up their natural diet.) Certainly a photographers paradise, but of course there is a downside....I spend a lot of time cleaning up bird s**t. Its worth it though.
BTW thanks for the comments I really appreciate them.