Well firstly I would say never, ever rework your shots to meet anyone elses expectations.It is ( always) your unique choice to frame and compose a shot to your view and your sense of aesthetic that decides everything from exposure to angle of view. No one will ever see the same thing in a scene and to me that's what makes photography exciting and fresh.
In this picture the strongest element for me ( subject if you like to call it that) is the canal wall, the steps and bridge and basin beyond . I am struck by the horizontals which are echoed all the way back to the horizon line. The fact that in 'reading' the shot front to back I get blocked by the wall at the very start means I don't see the verticals.
HOWEVER..if I step back from the scene enough to get perspective the angle in the wall actually add to moving the eye along the verticals ..coaxing it into the far horizon by means of the canal sides and the street lighting which leads you there.
So my unequivocal opinion is actually totally equivocal but it's a Saturday night and wine has been consumed.
The most important thing to my mind is that you are asking these questions and making us think about them...that's what it is all about.