Originally Posted by
Mike Buckley
I see that you're relatively new to CiC. Welcome!
This style of photographing clear glass is commonly called a bright field background or dark outline. The opposite choice that reverses the dark and bright areas is commonly called a dark field background or bright outline. If either style interests you, pick up the latest edition of Light: Science and Magic, as it explains the basic concept in greater detail along with why everything appears as it does. This particular photo employs the concept explained in the book though is a variation on the theme, so to speak. If you want to really become bored with photos of clear glass, look for my threads pertaining to glass.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that my makeshift studio is essentially a black enclosure that prevents anything from being reflected in the glass that I don't intentionally want reflected in it. The floor, ceiling and three sides are black. The rear side is a white wall that I sometimes use for bouncing light off it.
Thanks for asking!