So if the little glass is cordial then the big one must be extremely friendly!
That is really a great shot Mike.
What a beauty!!!!
Well I hope you didn't try to poor it back into the bottle and ruin all that wine.
This is a cool image. If you hadn't said up front that the one glass was inside the other I'd have spent no telling how long trying to figure out what tricks you pulled to make it LOOK LIKE on glass was inside the other.
Terrific image and a good chuckle from Jack's comment.
Shame, shame, Dan. I had an empty wine bottle. I filled it with water. I poured the water into the glass. No wasted wine. You should know better than to think I would waste a drop of wine.
As for others who might be wondering, even if I had poured the wine back into the bottle, I would have used my pouring spot. Doing so would only have aerated the wine, which could only have helped it, not hurt it. So there!
Always happy to be a help.If you hadn't said up front that the one glass was inside the other I'd have spent no telling how long trying to figure out what tricks you pulled to make it LOOK LIKE one glass was inside the other.
Oh my gosh, Terry. I am now off and running to my makeshift studio for a retake. Thank goodness the entire setup is still intact.
I'll check back with everyone later, perhaps much later.
Thought you might see something there Mike!
I told my Client just today that the very first rule of product shooting is "Never, and I mean ever, break down the set until you are sure you are done"!
My set is never closed!
Go get 'em, Brother! I have a feeling you are going to bring us back something Epic!
Great image Mike.
Hi Mike,
I love this particular image. Well, I love all your glass images but I am especially fond of this one as the smaller glass appears as though it is behind the larger glass, when it's inside the glass. And the lighting around the periphery of both glasses.
Truly magical.
Thank you to David and Christina. Glad to see that Christina has come up for air at least for awhile.