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Thread: if I am lucky Geoff will see this and know what it is cause I watched it walking

  1. #1

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    if I am lucky Geoff will see this and know what it is cause I watched it walking

    If I was going to describe this beasty I would say she resembled a ball of wax that someone rolled around in a bowl of dead ants, twigs and various beasty body parts. I did see it walking so I know it is alive.

    if I am lucky Geoff will see this and know what it is cause I watched it walking

  2. #2
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: if I am lucky Geoff will see this and know what it is cause I watched it walking

    Hi Brian,I watched a program the other week about an assassin bug,it eats ants then covers its body with the carcasses of its prey to enable it to enter their nest and eat away without being detected,I cannot tell looking at your image but it sounds as if this is what it might be!

    Cheers David

  3. #3

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    Re: if I am lucky Geoff will see this and know what it is cause I watched it walking

    Quote Originally Posted by deetheturk View Post
    Hi Brian,I watched a program the other week about an assassin bug,it eats ants then covers its body with the carcasses of its prey to enable it to enter their nest and eat away without being detected,I cannot tell looking at your image but it sounds as if this is what it might be!

    Cheers David
    At the least they may be cousins

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