Sharon,have you ever tried cleaning your sensor,these images look a bit strange,then again i quite like them
Taking the Mick,David
I like this. Nice piece of work.
I rarely like abstract images but this is one of those few. Nicely done.
Makes my version of Ainster Harbour look a bit dull!
This one is excellent.
I have always been amazed when I would see a painting that looked so real as to be a photograph.
Then there are photographs that look to be a painting. And I am again amazed.
P.s. really liking the color in this one.
A masterly creative photograph that I really enjoy. On an initial glance it is wonderful however I have some reservations about the dark/royal blue blotches that remind me of splashing rain drops. They seem a bit to sharp in context to the rest of the image and their importance within the image.
Regardless it is still a marvellous image.
David...If I were to clean my sensor I would lose the 'patina' I worked so long to achieve. lol
Clive and Dan...thank you both so much for your kind comments.
Jack..being able to amaze anyone at my advancing age is a high point in the day/week/year
Donald...your image has an almost sparse austerity and elegance that I know Ainster can deliver and which you depict beautifully..mine just captures the madness of the place in bad weather. What isn't in doubt is that we both love it in all of its moods and colours.
I was thinking about what Jack said.
When I started to create these 'painting with my camera' shots a few years back there was a great deal of ..' it art or photography''s impure...a hybrid...we can't categorize it so it scares us and we will deny its place in either camp and hope it goes away'.
My response then as my response today is what it is. It is a creation of Camera, editing ..and the random judgement of my personal sense of Aesthetics. I love doing 'it'....whatsoever you judge 'it' to be. Today more of us are blurring the distinctions and 'feeling our way'..using all the wonderful editing that is available without feeling that we are 'tainting' the art of photography.
It's a big wonderful world of creativity out there and if you are not having the absolute utmost fun exploring it that would be such a darned shame.
Very nice.