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Thread: C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)

  1. #1

    C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)

    Hi everyone,

    First post here, so I figured I should post some images. Looking for C&C on the captures themselves, or the processing. I've tried to go for a natural look in processing, mainly just adjusting the exposure and contrast.

    Any thoughts / comments welcome!

    C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)

    C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)

    C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)
    Last edited by Joe Wilson; 22nd December 2013 at 08:53 PM. Reason: Fixed images

  2. #2
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)

    Hi Joe and welcome - but I'm afraid that I can't see your images. There are a couple of threads in the Community Lounge with tips on ways of posting.


  3. #3

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    Re: C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)

    It looks like you've accomplished your goal. They are clear and natural looking to me. A very interesting trio you have posted.


  4. #4

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    Re: C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)

    Welcome to CiC Joe. You have posted a very nice set of images here and I will look forward to seeing more of your work.

    The first image really caught my eye as the very modern sculpture seems at odds with the classic design of the surroundings which makes for an interesting scene. I think that it needs a slight rotation to the left though as the building in the background is leaning a little bit

    Your exposure on what I assume is Chatsworth House in the third shot seems bang on to me and despite the gray day you were working with you have captured a nice image with a lot of detail to ponder.

  5. #5

    Re: C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)

    Shane, good spot on the building - I spent ages trying to get the sculpture to look like it wasn't leaning that I completely ignored what was going on in the background. Have rotated it slightly and added a touch of vertical perspective correction. Still not entirely straight, but I didn't want to lose resolution by pushing it any further.

    Thanks for your comments so far!

  6. #6
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)

    Hi Joe and welcome. Thanks for posting a really nice set of shots. I'd have to agree with Shane about the third shot - exposure, processing and detail are just great.

    We visited there in 2006 and it was a lovely spot. I don't remember or have any photographic record of the sculpture in the first image. Is it relatively new ? It certainly looks modern.

    Last edited by dje; 22nd December 2013 at 11:05 PM.

  7. #7

    Re: C&C: Chatsworth House Gardens (UK)

    Hi Dave - thanks very much for your comments. I think the sculpture you mentioned is reasonably new to Chatsworth as I hadn't seen it on previous visits either. They change a lot of them on a yearly basis, so there's often something new to see.

    It's called Ivy by Manolo Valdes if my research is correct!

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