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Thread: UK members - where do you buy your gear

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    UK members - where do you buy your gear

    I'm talking about regular and widely available stuff: bodies, lenses, flashes, that sort of thing. Given the lack of a bricks and mortar shop, where do you go?

    I've bought a fair amount from Amazon (pros are usually keen prices, rapid free delivery (with Prime), no hassle returns etc)

    But I am becoming less and less happy with the way they treat their staff, with the way they evade taxes, and so on.

    I wonder where others go. A couple I've looked at are Wex Photographic and John Lewis. Any other UK based ideas. Too bad we don't have B&H or Adorama

    Thanks for any ideas,

    Last edited by davidedric; 23rd December 2013 at 04:52 PM. Reason: Adorama had become Adorable

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    Most of my stuff is from Wex (formerly Warehouse Express) and latterly, because I was so impressed with their service when I couldn't find the product anywhere else in the UK, Castle Cameras based in Bournemouth. Santa got the new tripod from there. It is currently staring at me in its Christmas wrapping from under the Christmas tree. I'm not allowed to open it until Christmas morning.

    The other thing is, of course, that you could buy from B & H or Adorama. But you get belted with the tax duty on top of the advertised purchase price.

  3. #3
    Tringa's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    I have not bought a lot of gear do my experience is limited.

    I bought my current camera from

    The service was excellent - an email to acknowledge the order, another to let me know it had been dispatched and to tell me when to expect it (the camera arrived on the day they said). After the camera arrived I emailed an enquiry to them and they 'phoned me to discuss it.

    Apart from the odd old lens purchase from Ebay the only other place I have used is . They have quite a few accessories at reasonable prices and the service is also good.


  4. #4
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    I buy lenses off Ebay mostly UK in Scotland or Official dealers. Not sure if Jessops are still about - think they are. Parks Cameras is a largish dealership. London Camera Exchange have a number of branches. I pass Carmarthen Cameras around once a month but they also handle mail order. I've used Pixmania a few times over the years. Curry's. Googling camera shops uk comes up with lots including local ones.

    Mostly happy experiences. I bought a new tablet of Park's. When it came the outer packing was damaged and had ingrained dust. Obviously shop soiled. Complained about them on their review site. They have offered me a £20 refund pointing out that it was on clearance. Not claimed it yet due to a possible outbreak of temper as the item wasn't in their clearance lists. I will point that out. Tablet is fine though. They still list them for sale with slight discount. I hate any old excuse. This one should have been in the clearance list.

    Bought a Tamron 200-500mm of London Camera Exchange used. I didn't notice that the rear lens housing was loose either as the tripod bush was very loose. I did when I tightened it. Their description over the phone was very accurate as it has been with others I have bought off them. The lens is currently with Tamron for repair. Obviously if that is uneconomic I might not get it back. I've asked them if they will throw it in my dustbin if it's too expensive to repair. I didn't want to return the lens by post so drove to one of their more local shops and left it with them. Pleased my wife - shopping and eats visit to Lemington. Staff helpful etc. They wouldn't let me take a new massive Nikon telephoto lens away in exchange that was in the Nikon display case.


  5. #5
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    I've bought a fair amount from Amazon (pros are usually keen prices, rapid free delivery (with Prime), no hassle returns etc)

    But I am becoming less and less happy with the way they treat their staff, with the way they evade taxes, and so on.

    No real suggestions Dave but I just wanted to say 'Good on you' for making moral shopping choices.

  6. #6
    royphot's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    Like you, I am trying to avoid Amazon whenever possible.

    Like Donald, I have used Wex a number of times, and found their service excellent, and their website seems to be much more informative than others. Their prices might not always be the very lowest, but they are usually fairly close to it.

    I have not used them, but friends have bought from Castle in Bournmouth and been very pleased with their prices for Cameras.


  7. #7
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    Jessops for me - well I worked there for 24 years until they went t*ts up in Jan.
    One of the local ones is open again and I reckon I can still swing a bit of discount when I come to buy my next bit of kit....I hope.

  8. #8

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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    i buy from photosounds (a local store) or from Cameraworld..... (they have a branch which is fairly local to me as well).

    in the case of photosounds they are not always the cheapest but I have had some good deals from them and they are helpful

  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    Hi David,

    I bought my D7100 from John Lewis, mainly because I had a gift card I could use against the price and the convenience of not having to be in for the delivery.

    I know what you mean about Amazon, usually very convenient and cheap for stuff like filters (esp.) and lenses, but I think (read 'hope') the swell of public opinion will soon be noticed in sales figures and they'll improve the lot of their staff and tax affairs - I'm a dreamer, I know!

    I'm almost at the point where I research on-line, then go to a bricks and mortar store to buy

    My D5000 and first lens came from an independent shop too, as did my daughters whole kit.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 23rd December 2013 at 11:32 PM.

  10. #10

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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    Living in Norfolk I am close to visit Wex and their massive showroom. Good to see items, and handle, good for gadgets as well and fair prices. However friendly staff have no flexibility on pricing.

    London Camera Exchange - ok, does second hand and one can negotiate prices - of both new and second-hand gear. Buying in price is not usually that good, but then most aren't. Bought 5D3 for similar price as elsewhere and also got extra £100 worth of CF card.

    In Norwich specialist second hand in Philips Camera's - offers a good price to buy in and fair selling second-hand price, open to negotiation. Only problem he sells all the gear I want almost as soon as it comes in, so one has to keep visiting.
    Philip is knowledgeable and willing to give advice on problem gear.

    In general I find that to use my local retailer gives me good value and peace of mind, any problems and I can take it back.

  11. #11
    Ian H's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    I use the London Camera Exchange pro centre in Southampton for most of my purchases, everything from a simply remote release to my Epson Pro 3880 print has come from them, can't fault the service received. Also have used Gray's of Westminster for my 200mm micro lens imported from Japan and have used WEX a few times.

  12. #12

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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    Only one place for me London Camera Exchange, spent £5k last year with them and will spend more this year, Plymouth devon branch but have used other branches, all customer service oriented

  13. #13
    Adrian's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    Another vote for LCE. Very knowledgeable and friendly manager in Guildford. I use them a lot and he has been perfectly happy to send me expensive lenses etc on the understanding that funds are on their way or I will pop in and pay at the weekend.

    For Leica gear I use Red Dot near my London office.

    I also regularly use HDEW camera's for imports and have never had a problem in three years of using them.

    Amazon is useful for small items on next day delivery via Prime. I don't have significant issues with their employment practices as I think they are bette than a great deal of the catering trade for example, though I am not fond of their tax avoidance stance and tendency to strip profits tax free out of the UK.

    We also both buy and sell via eBay, and as I have posted before, I see this as a good way of picking up some incredible lens bargains (and they are easy to resell if they do not work out). eBay is worse than Amazon for ethics mind you and I detest paypal as a rip off unregulated quasi bank foisted upon eBay users.


  14. #14
    RobinL's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    I use Clifton Cameras in Dursley, Gloucestershire. And have purchased all of my major equipment from them. It,s so good to be able to go in to see, feel and get a demonstration on any of the products before you buy. Plus they also do on-line ordering. As they are official dealers for most of the major manufacturers, I know that there will be no issues with warranties and extended warranties which you can't get when you purchase via eBay and some Amazon suppliers (grey imports).
    Although I do buy most of my small items from the likes of eBay and Amazon.
    Last edited by RobinL; 24th December 2013 at 09:51 PM.

  15. #15

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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    For tripods, carrying cases/backpacks etc Morris Photography is often worth a look.

    But the last time I tried to order something I found they had changed their website and it wouldn't accept my e mail address. I did send them an e mail and they replied that there were a few problems which they were dealing with. Hopefully this has been sorted but I haven't ordered anything recently.

    I have used Wex with no problems but I do find Amazon handy and competitive for many things.

    There may be some issues with the general company policy but I tend to think that when searching for bargains they are going to be better than most of the alternatives like ordering from Hong Kong, etc.

  16. #16
    charzes44's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    I have had excellent service from Mifsuds.

    They will take what you have in part exchange and they don't rip you off for p&p either. I recently bought a small s/h item, and they only charged me the sum of the stamps on the packet.

  17. #17

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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    I buy from Flashcamera - great personal service. Also use Amazon for small items and 7dayshop for paper.

  18. #18

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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    To add to above I also usually avoid Amazon - not least the way they collect personal information to sell on.
    Last week bought through them some grad filters, £14.99 including holders. Came without holder and adaptor rings.
    Rang to complain - they said I could return - I pointed out that I wanted the goods I had ordered, not to return the itmes sent. Only solution they saw was for me to return. I pointed out that a contract to supply had been made, and I now expected that to be done. After a delay whilst the agent sought advice I was told they would contact the person who sent the order.. Nothing heard yet.
    Amazon will now no doubt try to put blame on person who supplied, but also try to avoid their legal responsibilities, I purchased from them and paid them, my contract was with them, and they are responsible for completing the contract.

  19. #19
    MrB's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    Another vote for SRS Microsystems in Watford - great staff, great shop, great for mail order: and also


  20. #20
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: UK members - where do you buy your gear

    Sorry to say my experience with WEX was not good as their web description was totally incorrect and it was not obvious until the goods arrived as to what was included and what wasn't. They were definitely not customer friendly in dealing with this hiding behind E&OE and went elsewhere to get the remaining parts required although I did manage to get a spare battery out of WEX.

    LCE and Calumet are my regular stops along with Mifsuds who are outstanding and of course Grays of Westminster for the other Nikon goodies. No problems over the years with any of these. All well recommended.

    PS I believe B&H do a UK price list now that includes shipping and is less expensive than doing it yourself.
    Last edited by shreds; 25th December 2013 at 09:50 AM.

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