Slightly off horizontal and there seems to be a little bit of halo around the silhouette edge. You could perhaps experiment with cropping to see if this gives you an image you find more pleasing. I like it, I think it is a great show of colour and an interesting silhouette. Thanks for posting.
I wonder about cropping to a different size ratio.
The upper quarter of the sky is virtually the same orange tone, so is it necessary to have so much sky?
Would cropping square or maybe 5 x 4 ratio actually produce a stronger image?
Hi Nandakumar,
I love the scene and colours and as with every image there are crop variations that can be looked at.
What I find distracting is the halo around the building and strangely this does not appear around the highest two turrets. There's also a fair bit of noise in the sky low down. I think that with minimalist images like this the the image quality has to be has to be good as the eyes detect imperfections so easily.
It's a lot of sky. But it's beautiful. I always include more sky than every/anyone else thinks I should. I like it. I wonder if you can fix the halo business. I also wonder what this would look like if you brought up just a little color and light on the building silhouettes ( maybe you can't) - if you could, would it spoil it or enhance it?
Very nice silhouette.
Thank you very much Clive; actually i had adjusted the horizon level; i think a bit more is needed there; I love a vast sky even if it is blank;that is why i preserved it vast; the noise and halo both resulted from multiple adjustments i carried out; i must switch on to RAW shooting i think
I like the large sky.
Shooting RAW files wouldn't help with the issue of the halos unless they were introduced by in-camera sharpening when shooting JPEGs. An image that has such strong contrast and so little tonal variation probably needs no sharpening, whether done in the camera or during post-processing.
ahem..... ahem......
I like them both,Nandakumar. I like the last one but only slightly better.