I like the motion also. Your thread title referring to Christmas Eve makes me think the blurred packages are presents.
I like the sense of motion and also the sense of a hurried, stressful pace of last minute Christmas shopping.
Creative as always. Merry Christmas!
Most likely Mike...and the wee fella was probably shaking his.
What I have noticed in recent captures of motion is that adults are quite economic with their movements and tend to move in a linear fashion. Kids NEVER do and they cover the same area many times. but then I guess every parent knows that to their cost.
Hope you are having a great Christmas.
Thank you so much Christina and I hope you are having a lovely day!
Great catch. A contrast to our very white Christmas with -15C. And a Merry Christmas to a all!
Thanks Louise.....you wrap up warm lovely and a merry Christmas to you and yours.xx
Only you can give new meaning to the spirit of Christmas..................
Nice and relaxed this morning only to be reminded of the stress to come in a couple of days.
Creative as usual Sharon.
Sharon,another Christmas Cracker....![]()
Thank you Benjy...I hope all is wonderfully well with you and yours. May your lovely daughter be the star of the party season.this year and every year,
Sharon,thanks for kind comment,everything looking ok and going to plan,keep up the great shots,I get lots of enjoyment viewing them....aw ra bestx