Note: These panos look a lot better when you click on them to view them.
I just wanted to share some thoughts and get some feedback on how I handled a posting that I made yesterday. Night shots are by their very nature generally a mixed lighting situation and one has to deal (or ignore) a multitude of different colour temperature light sources. The traditional way to handle mixed lighting in photography is to go crazy with gels; I certainly use gels on my flashes to compensate for this situation and do know that gelling windows is sometimes used in movie / video production. Regardless, gelling all of the lights in a nighttime shot is not realistic.
When I got at looking at the shots I had taken of the Rideau canal last night; there were two primary light sources; I could either get the snow on the right side of the image looking right at the cost of an overall warm image (which is what I did in my original posting).
The other option I looked at last night was to colour balance the snow on the far side of the canal and render the National Arts Centre more accurately, at the cost of having a very blue cast on the snow on the near side of the image:
After sleeping on it, and through the magic of layer masks, I came up with two other views that resulted in more neutral colours on both sides. I went slightly cool for the background in the first instance:
In the second instance I went for an overall warmer look.
While I certainly subscribe to the concept of "get it right in camera"; it's still amazing what one can accomplish in Photoshop.