Thwarted by the snow higher up the mountain I took a detour to the old sentinels' tower. In times of old these were built all across France and were used to pass emergency signals from one end of the country to the other. Ours, which is very near to the Spanish border was primarily used to start the ball rolling if the Spanish Army was seen approaching. In this event the large pile of wood that was continually maintained was set ablaze, the next tower along would see the fire or smoke and set their fire alight, this process would continue all the way to the city where the Army was based and they would come riding down and repel the enemy. Quite how long this would take is a valid question but at least people would know what was going on.
Either way the tower holds a commanding position and has spectacular views. . .
Please click for full size viewing (it's pretty big)
This view through the trees shows the mountain ridge which forms the natural border between France and Spain
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