Where did you have your camera focused? exif data would be helpful.
Where did you have your camera focused? exif data would be helpful.
It seems that nothing is sharply focused here, although not far out.
And the main subject does appear to merge into the background. Possibly a slight crop, particularly from the top, would help to isolate the subject a little better.
Let's see... 5cm from the subject shot at f/3.5 at 1/28 sec. My suspicion is that this would appear to be the reason for the lack of clarity in the image.
Brian - it looks like a combination of a bit of camera shake, focus and DoF issue. Shooting into a "cave" should not be an issue per se.
I don't find that they whole image is particularly sharp; but the background is sharper than the foreground. At the very least you missed focusing on the subject. You shot wide open, which means your DoF is fairly limited, so hitting your focus is critical.
At 1/28 sec, you are certainly in a shutter speed range where a small amount of camera shake will show up as a blurred image. I think all of these things likely consipired against a sharp image. I don't know your camera specifically nor your focus mode or how you supported your camera, so a lot of this is guess work.
One more question, do you have the camera set to macro mode? You'll likely lose some flexibility in changing settings but according to the specifications you should be able to focus even clser than 2cm.
I am convinced and willing to be proved wrong (EDIT which I am able to do by reading both my own FZ50 manual and the on-line s4200 one ... see further comments ) but having this camera in macro mode makes little or no difference to focus, only the speed at which AF finds focus. It saves AF hunting through long distances for a focus and it goes straight to the short range of its step motor. I have a feature which seems like Brian's on my bridge camera [FZ50]
When conditions conspire against us it is worthwhile experimenting in selecting the subject looselywith a good feather and inverting the selection and then blurring the surroundings/background. The fact that the surrounds are soft helps to give the impression that the subject is sharp, then invert the selection to just the subject and apply sharpening ... I discovered that in PPing a shot of a small bird hand held from the car with about a 2300mm equivalent AoV in low light, early morning.
Taken with my FZ50 the file number tells me.
EDIT ... It does make a difference with my FZ50 and the s4200 to use both Macro and super macro. but while Brian told us in Super macro he had to work on wide angle of else he got the 'fuzzies' it appear when in Macro mode there is a focusing range between 7cm and 3 metres. So that gives him the opportunity to stay back for greater DoF with some cropping.
The interesting aspect is when at full telephoto zoom the camera will only focus [ in Macro ] between 2 metres and 3 meters which suggests if you only partly use the zoom you could focus somewhere beteen 2m and 7cm and the result might be the tight framing required but from a more comfortable distance [ for subject and Brian ]
Since I find using the 2 second delay very unsatisfactory [ a personal reaction ] a further suggestion is to use the 'six frame' continuous mode [ black box with small one on top and thin lines beside it bottom right ]. This will take six frames at 1.2per second, over a period of five seconds with the probability that other than the first frame they will be steadier and sharper ... fingers crossed
The s4200 manual gives no focus range for telephoto in super macro miode so I guess the camera is stuck with fuzzies except at wide angle as Brian told us earlier.
Hope this info helps Brian.
Manual in case you don't have a hard copy
Last edited by jcuknz; 5th January 2014 at 06:47 AM.