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Thread: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

  1. #21

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Glad you like the photo, Travis!

    Quote Originally Posted by travis4567 View Post
    Food photography is a difficult art.
    I'm hoping not as difficult as photographing glass.

    As a chef, the cross contamination of raw meat and vegges is a definite no no.
    I understand that if either one of them is eaten raw. However, if both are cooked enough to kill the bacteria, why do so many people insist that cross-contamination is bad? I've never understood that and have never asked about it.

  2. #22

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    Sorry I couldn't provide any useful input. I tried and failed dismally.
    Not remotely true. You helped solidify my thinking that it could be a lot of fun ignoring the mainstream approach to photographing food. You also suggested using fewer veggies, which I still think would be very appealing. Last and perhaps most important, you immediately "got" the seal. It doesn't matter to me that you see the interesting shape of the potato as a distraction; it's not for me to determine that you should see something as a detriment or an attribute but it is helpful to know that I was trying to convey the likeness of a seal and that you saw it without me mentioning it. My wife also instantly saw it, so your confirmation was double confirmation in effect.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 4th January 2014 at 05:28 AM.

  3. #23

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    It's very rewarding, Manfred, that you picked up on all of those details. Thanks for mentioning them.

    I have some other ideas that I discussed with the staff at this specialty butcher, which is new to my neighborhood. They are very creative themselves and have given me some good ideas about things to consider photographically and things that they can do with the food that I didn't know could be done. Interestingly, neither the store nor their website displays any photos of their food, so I'm wondering if we could perhaps form a productive business relationship. Nothing about the store is traditional at least based on my life experience so perhaps their unique merchandising would be a good fit with something that I could reliably produce that isn't mainstream. It's all food for thought (apologies that I couldn't resist).

  4. #24

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested


    You added your husband's thoughts to you post after I initially reviewed it. Please thank him for me about his ideas, as I'll likely use some of them in the future. I could see adding a knife to the composition if some of the veggies were at least partially prepared (unlike in this photo). Interestingly, I never peel carrots and would not have thought of including asparagus because I cooked asparagus for the first time in my life just two weeks ago. (That's because I'm finally gaining a fondness for them).

    Please ask him if this cut of meat could be the rib eye rather than prime rib. I'm reasonably confident that's what the butcher told me. Despite that I lived on beef cattle ranches for about the first seven or so years of my life, I have no idea what any particular cut is if it's not labeled. Well, that's not true; I do know the liver and tongue when I see them .
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 4th January 2014 at 05:59 AM.

  5. #25
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Thanks Mike.

    Actually the seal is my favourite part of the image. I saw him as a distraction because I was looking at your image as an advertisement for beef, and as competition for the beef.

    Two seals, one on either side would be cool.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Not remotely true. You helped solidify my thinking that it could be a lot of fun ignoring the mainstream approach to photographing food. You also suggested using fewer veggies, which I still think would be very appealing. Last and perhaps most important, you immediately "got" the seal. It doesn't matter to me that you see the interesting shape of the potato as a distraction; it's not for me to determine that you should see something as a detriment or an attribute but it is helpful to know that I was trying to convey the likeness of a seal and that you saw it without me mentioning it. My wife also instantly saw it, so your confirmation was double confirmation in effect.

  6. #26

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    The term, "raw and uncut," is commonly used to describe certain presentations of commercial video. I'm thinking that I could make a series of images beginning with this one of raw and uncut food that perhaps presents food in a different way than is usual. I need to give this more thought about how to effectively make that happen.

  7. #27

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    Actually the seal is my favourite part of the image. I saw him
    You're so sexist, Christina. He could be a she.

  8. #28
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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Glad you like the photo, Travis!

    I'm hoping not as difficult as photographing glass.

    I understand that if either one of them is eaten raw. However, if both are cooked enough to kill the bacteria, why do so many people insist that cross-contamination is bad? I've never understood that and have never asked about it.
    Because some bacteria is heat resistant.

  9. #29

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    I still don't understand the issue of cross-contamination, John. If the bacterium is not killed by heat, it doesn't matter whether I consumed it by eating a food that became cross-contaminated or by eating the source food.

  10. #30

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Hey, Mike. My immediate reaction to the photo is that it seems a bit too symmetrical. Kind of contrived looking. As to what to do about it I have no ideas, but that is my reaction to the image. Maybe have some of the veggies in front of the meat and then cascading off to one side or something? I like the idea in a previous comment about adding a glass of wine to the mix. Maybe on one side with the vegetables cascading to the opposite side? This is definitely a subject that would take some time messing around with to try different comps. In the mean time there's a hot grill somewhere waiting for that good looking beef.

  11. #31

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    My immediate reaction to the photo is that it seems a bit too symmetrical. Kind of contrived looking.
    That's my reaction also. I'm just a lousy designer. Every attempt to make it less symmetrical resulted in something worse.

    As for being contrived, it wouldn't be possible to arrange the meat as I did without that part of it being literally contrived. However, that made it possible to have the crossed bones extending upward, which I liked as a graphical design. So, the contrived look was my compromise to achieve the graphical design. If only someone could show me how to get that look without it appearing contrived.

    there's a hot grill somewhere waiting for that good looking beef.
    It will be cooked just hours from now. Wish you could join us!

  12. #32
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I understand that if either one of them is eaten raw. However, if both are cooked enough to kill the bacteria, why do so many people insist that cross-contamination is bad? I've never understood that and have never asked about it.
    This is what I erased from my original comment. I don't understand it either. We go for sushi on a weekly basis, if not more frequently. I eat raw beef, fish, shellfish, and other proteins that regularly come in contact with the vegetables they are served with.

    Never had an issue - and it's not against any sort of health code.

  13. #33

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Andrew and I will probably die tomorrow from toxins produced by bacteria.

  14. #34
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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew76 View Post
    This is what I erased from my original comment. I don't understand it either. We go for sushi on a weekly basis, if not more frequently. I eat raw beef, fish, shellfish, and other proteins that regularly come in contact with the vegetables they are served with.

    Never had an issue - and it's not against any sort of health code.
    So that's why U.S. customs won't let you bring meat, even if it's cooked, across the border.

  15. #35
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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    So that's why U.S. customs won't let you bring meat, even if it's cooked, across the border.
    Well, Canada and the US have different food inspection administrations, and I'm sure they don't want to have to involve border security with those issues - that would be the most logical explanation. The last recorded case of trichinosis in Canada was in the early 1970s. Which is why I even cook my pork medium - medium well.

    But hey, that's just me - to each his own. Some people don't even like their beef that rare.

  16. #36
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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Hi Mike,

    I will pass on your thanks and I know he will appreciate your kind words.

    I will also ask if it is rib-eye... I think he might have said that at first but then changed his mind.

    Lived on a ranch... Lucky you! All those pet cows! One of my childhood dreams.

    PS Asparagus is the ultimate vegetable... My favourite I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post

    You added your husband's thoughts to you post after I initially reviewed it. Please thank him for me about his ideas, as I'll likely use some of them in the future. I could see adding a knife to the composition if some of the veggies were at least partially prepared (unlike in this photo). Interestingly, I never peel carrots and would not have thought of including asparagus because I cooked asparagus for the first time in my life just two weeks ago. (That's because I'm finally gaining a fondness for them).

    Please ask him if this cut of meat could be the rib eye rather than prime rib. I'm reasonably confident that's what the butcher told me. Despite that I lived on beef cattle ranches for about the first seven or so years of my life, I have no idea what any particular cut is if it's not labeled. Well, that's not true; I do know the liver and tongue when I see them .

  17. #37
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Where in the world did this come statement come from?

    Not true! I adore animals and when I'm an old lady I will likely be a very eccentric one with 100 cats, lots of dogs, a few raccoons, squirrels and ducks, and then some.

    I think I bond immediately with animals, and then I decide if it is male or female, and give it a name. (I don't post the names granted)

    It's a very rubenesque looking seal, possibly in a maternal way, hence obviously a female!

    Aside... our rules and regulations are indeed strict. It is amazing when one visits and/or lives for a while in other countries where the chickens are not even refrigerated and no one suffers any ill effects, and it does make me wonder, sometimes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    You're so sexist, Christina. He could be a she.

  18. #38

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    obviously a female!
    Considering your gender, you're clearly more of an expert on the subject than I am. I defer to your expertise.

  19. #39

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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested

    The meat is now almost gone. There are just a few leftovers, most of which we gave to our guests. I highly recommend this recipe now that I have tried it.

    I'm really glad that I photographed the raw meat because I decided after cooking it that the raw version is much more appealing for its photographic characteristics. Just my opinion.

  20. #40
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    Re: I have a beef with you -- C&C requested


    Quote Originally Posted by mike buckley View Post
    considering your gender, you're clearly more of an expert on the subject than i am. I defer to your expertise.

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