Color table for RGB color. If you hover over a color in your photograph you can judge if the color is off. Not particularly accurate for skintones but a good indicator.
Color table for RGB color. If you hover over a color in your photograph you can judge if the color is off. Not particularly accurate for skintones but a good indicator.
Thanks John, I have been wondering for some time if there was such a creature. It is book marked for future reference and should prove helpful.
I also use a little "stays on top" widget called "ColorPix" free from here:
It works continuously anywhere on the screen and displays RGB, HSB and CMYK. Because it is measuring your screen output directly it often disagrees with PhotoShop's color picker.
You're welcome, John!
What about one for the mac?
Googled macintosh screen color picker , got:
Mac's already have one built in. It's called DigitalColor Meter and you can find it in the Applications folder. It doesn't display hex, though.
I don't use Digital Color Meter for reasons I don't remember, I use Coloristic on Mac.