Very nice image.
Hi Rita. Unfortunately, the moon appears slightly out of focus but is was a good attempt. I saw the same moon here on the east coast while driving home and wished that I had had a camera with me.
Ozzie, I did a lot of trial and error on this and found that the opposite settings to yours gave me this image.
Jeff, the settings I used were ss 100, f6.7, 300mm, ISO 200.
John, thank you. My first moon images were a blurred bright light so I am happy to see that I am making some kind of headway in this. I am always looking to improve.
Hi Ken, I agree with you on this point..
Handsome shot, but agree, a tad soft. But I understand what you're saying about a "blurred bright light" perfectly and you've gone well past where I've been with this idea. I'm guessing you cropped beyond your pixel reach and that the native image was as sharp as could be - but just guessing. Was it a pretty extreme crop?
Hi Mark, you are bang on, it is an extreme crop. With practice I have found that shooting the moon I get better results and more detail when there is just a slight hint of daylight left in the sky.