Quote brought a smile, nice capture.
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Water is all I drink all day -- makes me normal. And they say (the health nuts are the 'they) said that cold ice water is better for brown and dark skin than with no ice, for weight loss. I think I make myself normal no matter what...:p
John, thank you so much :)
Izzie, thank you so much...cold water adds weight, you mean? :rolleyes:
Joe, thank you so much :)
Let's not rule the road, but obey the rules of the road....
Regards :)
People who rule the road are called road rager-er....also some drunken ones and ones who are on drugs. As Aussies says " Drink and Drive, you are a bloody idiot!" I am a very careful driver, so much to say for airline pilots...LOL...no offense meant to all airline pilots but they follow the line in the middle most of the time thinking they are driving an airplane...like someone I love around here. If "we" go out, I drive.
John, thank you so much :)
Izzie, thank you very much :)
...and we are blessed with different taste buds!!!
Regards :)
Very nice...I like red.
John, thank you very much :)
Izzie, thank you very much :)
We are but some perturbations in the cosmic abundance of eternal space and infinitude of time...
Regards :)
Makes me wonder what is waiting for us at the other end. Nice concept Nandakumar.
me too..... :rolleyes:
Thank you very much John :)
All tasty thing are not good to health; all healthy things are not good to taste...
Regards :)