The Progress of Science very much needs imaginations and experimentations...
Regards :)
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The Progress of Science very much needs imaginations and experimentations...
Regards :)
Which is this? Experimentation or imagination? I
A bit of both; only because of photoshop :(
Thank you very much, Joe :)
Thank you very much Izzie :)
Thank you very much, Binnur :)
Scape 575, nicely captured and quoted.
Thank you very much, John :)
If you always eat more than what your body really want, you would live long only less than what you really want...
Regards :)
Thank you very much Izzie; my subject is Chemistry :)
Sometime old wine tastes fine when served in new bottles....
Regards :)
Scope 576:. That looks so good!
As I noticed, Nandy, you are an evolved spirit...the colours that you choose at most times indicated to me so. And now I know why you like -- it was because I hated chemistry when I was in high school...:rolleyes:
Anyway, nice colour. This one suits you well...and your experimentation with colours.
Thank you very much, Joe :)
Thank you very much, Izzie; my favorite colors are blue and violet indeed. Of course i was not much happy with chemistry but now after a long long association with the subject, i am in love with chemistry :)
Flowers: they don't last for ever; yet they are not lost for ever because of constant regeneration.....
Regards :)