Being Beauty...
Regards :)
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Being Beauty...
Regards :)
Scape 636, nicely captured, very colorful.
Thank you very much, John :)
Thank you very much, John 2 :)
Thank you so much, Binnur; when tools are there, anybody can be creative; may some concepts are there, but i am never satisfied with the cleanliness of my works :(
Many instances of life are momentary and momentous....
Regards :)
Scape 637, nicely composed.
John, thank you very much :)
Searching Truth is such that more you could unveil, more is there beyond...
Regards :)
Nicely composed and quoted.
Thank you very much, John :)
...until one realizes what one has been searching for, was always there, within!!!
Regards :)
Sorry to be away again...too much things to do during this season for me. I am also doing some science experiments that is really interesting. I never like science and chemistry and all that when I was still in school, now I am doing is fun.
Anyway, moving on, this is a very nice image and wisdom too soooo true.
Izzie, thank you so much...i felt your absence; by the way, at which place you chanced to work on chemistry? what kind of experiments were you performing, i wonder:cool:
Again thank you very much for your kind words, as always :)
How much creative one is a measure how much one has identified himself/herself with Mother Nature....
Regards :)
Hi Nandakumar,
Picture #13 is beautiful and I was mesmerized by it. I could meditate while looking at it. But I admit that I am also caught up in several of your other works and your wonderful verses! Well done!
Sandy, thank you so much for the inspiration :)
639, quote is so true and image nicely composed.
Scape 640, nicely done.