Scale 746: beautiful landscape!
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Scale 746: beautiful landscape!
747, nicely captured and quoted.
Some days we feel happy for no particular reasons; some images make us happy even without any point of view in them....
Regards :)
748, nicely done and quote so true.
748:. Beautiful!
With Mother Nature's silent permission, a variation...
Regards :)
No life span is small....
Regards :)
747 -- Yes!
748 -- Another yes! I agree..
749 -- Love the effect
750 -- Love the colour. Reminded me of my magnolia tree flowers up front of the house. It only took one cold day to ruin the whole tree. Yours is very pretty.
Izzie, thank you very much; this flower, methinks, belongs to Bohemia family; thank you again :)
Sometimes eyes speak more than mouth...
P.S.: (This is Nilgiri Tahr, locally known as Varayad, captured on the way to Thalappaara, a hill station in TamilNadu, South India; Vara(Tamil) =Precipice (many time it is found standing on precipice); aad (Tamil, Malayalam) = goat; it is an endangered species; captured it through the window of the vehicle. They were in pair, least bothered about our presence, since familiarized with the daily passers by.....
Regards :)
749-great colors and quote so true.
750-nicely composed and quoted.
751-funny and informative.
John, thank you very much :)
By name wild, by nature mild....
Regards :)
752, nicely composed and quoted.
Thank you very much, John :)