765; nicely captured and quoted.
Printable View
765; nicely captured and quoted.
Water always run down; Sun takes it to sublime heights. Likewise those who always keep a low profile out of their humility, are transformed to Divine heights by the Supreme Laws of Nature....
Regards :)
One can transfer knowledge; but one has to transform to the state of Wisdom all by himslef/herself.....
Regards :)
It is always good to eat only what enriches the good qualities in you....
Regards :)
Never stretch beyond the limits...
Regards :)
766, great sense of movement and great quote.
767, nicely composed and quoted.
768, Nicely composed, fresh subject, nice quote.
769, nicely composed and quoted.
767 -- If mine, the wisdom should be "it is good to eat only how much the body needs.." but it is not mine so you win. I like the inclusion of green in the almost predominantly yellow surrounds.
767 -- I like the strut of this bird...nice shot!
Nice # 765 and 767
Always look behind to learn life....always look ahead to face life....
It would be interesting if you could explain how you did the second shot ? i like it
Scape 770, nice capture and very perceptive quote.
Hi, Allen
Welcome :)
That image claims no credit of photography. The original image was some clothe flowers along with small polymer balls which absorb water, grow to transparent balls, and stay for a few days until the water drains. Then i did some alterations in picasa and photoshop; regards :)