A boat can enter where a ship cannot; greater your requirements, more is your restrictions....
Regards :)
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A boat can enter where a ship cannot; greater your requirements, more is your restrictions....
Regards :)
Sometimes you learn from mistakes; sometimes you earn from the same...
Regards :)
785-6, nice theme, captures, and quotes.
John, thank you very much :)
Sometimes life is a struggle even for survival.....
Regards :)
785 - even more of a reason to downsize.... less to hassle with... only keeping those things that mean the most!
787 - And having less lightens the load and helps making survival more manageable....
Thank you for posting thoughts that cause reflection of the past, present or future!
Your photo art is well done also. :)
785 -- that is a nice shot, Nandy. The wisdom is true too.
786 -- yes so true.
787 -- one of your most beautiful shots, Nandy...very artsy too. Wisdom suits the image.
To move ahead means to push something back like time, memories or even matter....
Regards :)
787-8, nice continuation of the nautical theme and as always thought provoking quotes.
How you spend your life on Earth is more important than how long you spend...
Regards :)
789 -- So true Nandy...quality not quantity. I hope to be able to give a good report of my stay in the quality level but I cannot count the many times I did not do very well either looking at things or reacting to them. Each day i must try harder to make life easier too to those around me.
Izzie, yes, you said it right; it is so with many of us .Thank you very much :)
Life is to give support...and at times to get support....
Regards :)