How much is too much?...only situation can tell....
Regards :)
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How much is too much?...only situation can tell....
Regards :)
802 -- I like the quote and the picture accompanying it too.
803 -- Yes, it is too much. I get overwhelmed by this kind of scene. Are these pictures for sale? Or just for display? When I see this kind of scenario, this is when I tell myself -- I can do better and take my own pictures and display them in my wall (tho not like this...):rolleyes: :D
803, nicely seen, captured, and quoted.
Dirt is not that dirty for all...many nourishes from there...
Regards :)
Every day is theirs as much as it is ours....
Regards :)
Lamps are many; light is one....
Regards :)
PS: From Biennale exhibition :)
804 -- The bird almost got lost in the picture but yes, not all dirt are dirty. I've been in the garden since this morning planting what I started in pots, yummy stuffs for the dinner table someday. And lots of worms there to aerate my soil.
805 -- true for some dogs; with mine, all of them what they desire are theirs. :rolleyes: I have to put up a gate by the stairs then shut my door. Guess who came up and asked why I did that? Hubby! In the meantime, the dogs came up and came inside my room, the very ones I am trying to prevent from sharing what I have. Sometimes I thought I win, most times, I lost. Then I smile so I do not have to get angry. Life is not fair...:(806 -- I googled Biennale exhibition because I did not understand what sort of exhibition it is. Very interesting. Wikipedia even gave a history of how it came about and all that...
#803 - I like this photo very much. It reminds me, on a larger scale, on how they exhibit photographs at county fairs in the U.S. The photos, however, aren't framed in the at the fairs. I can imagine myself methodically going row-by row to view each photo, like I imagine the viewers in your photo are doing. Very appropriate quote, too.
#804 - Very nice capture of a difficult subject and, as always, your quote is very true.
#805 - Very nice capture of a great looking dog. He looks like he'd be a great pet.
#806 - Great photo of what had to be a difficult subject to capture with all the distinct areas of lights. I like the accompanying quote, too. Thanks for sharing your work.
# 804 - I used to play in the mud when I was a child and I think I am healthier because of it! <grin> So I definitely agree with your statement! The bird is interesting too. Well done!
Izzie, thank you very much. Our Richie (M) and Cherry(F) do not know what a cage is. Only thing they know is shutting them in one of the rooms when guests who are afraid of or unfriendly to dogs visit our home.....and chained when took to bath. Otherwise they are as free as any of us...
...and that biennale Kochi dragging attention from the whole of the world, now a days :cool:
Randy, thank you very much for your kind evaluations on all the posts.
I am neve patient to watch such collection of photos and just stops for three or four clicks from different angles.:cool:
That dog is a permanent local of that area, a pet of public. I thought it had very good features. The bird was a local click; my equipments are not that sophisticated to capture sharper images of birds, i am afraid :( Regards :)
All friends were once strangers....
Regards :)
804, nice perspective/quote and capture.
805, nicely quoted and captured.
806, nicely quoted and captured.
807, nicely quoted and captured, and so true.
807 -- So true. I cannot argue with that.