824, nicely captured and quoted.
825, nicely captured, quoted, and spiritual.
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824, nicely captured and quoted.
825, nicely captured, quoted, and spiritual.
If you stay focused on the periphery, you may lose the focus at the centre....
Regards :)
I'm sitting here looking at #824 & #826......... my thought is - YES!
#826except if you use focus stacking;)Quote:
If you stay focused on the periphery, you may lose the focus at the centre....
821, 823 and 824 nice shots too.
#825 - I've been contemplating this one all afternoon. So much to learn, so little time..
826, nicely captured and quoted.
Sun illumines the whole World, seeking no rewards....
Regards :)
824 -- nicely done. I love the green, the separation from the background, the little new leaves' colour breaking the predominant greens -- and of course the quote. Do you know that the atomic number of oxygen is 8? Being a science teacher, of course you do! :rolleyes: What was I thinking?! Anyway, the number 8 is a lucky number to my culture. So green and 8 and oxygen are connectible elements.
825 -- Very creative, Nandy...I like the way you did this one very much.
826 -- I like that, but it would have been nice if the centre is also focused. Love the quote here too.
827 -- Light is light and dark is dark as we understood it. Light is a celebration, unless one lives in places where the sun shines 24 hours and you have to go to rest and sleep. Light (sunshine) is a cure for depression too as we always tell our children so they do not stay in bed till 2pm. :rolleyes: :D
Thank you very much, Izzie, for your detailed analysis; i enjoy reading it :)
Different tones of light can induce different moods.....
Regards :)
Lovely images Nandakumar. You did a lot when I was away :)
Binnur, thank you very much; i noticed your absence for the last few days...where were you had been? :rolleyes:
"What, if so small, watch us as a whole...."
Regards :)
We aspire; Nature inspires....
Regards :)
828 -- I always wonder why red is connected with anger in the western culture, while at the East, it is considered a lucky colour. And this red I like...I even have this same kind of flower (I think...). Love the quote too.
829 -- I like the colour of this group too...and the softness that tells of its grace.
830 -- ah....this is superb! I like the colour and the simplicity of this shot and the appropriate quote too.