841 -- Kids usually perform to get attention...

... gosh! you should see some kids when they are having a temper tantrum in public. Award winning performance too! Very nice shot, appropriate to the quote too.
842 -- Well! That reminds me of chocolates shopping. I buy too much thinking I should not get that much then when I get home, I barely touch it for a few months until I remember or get a bit hungry. If I buy just one, I go out to buy some more...you know, vegetables is good for you and it has been said that chocolates is vegetables??? Happy vegetable!

843 -- Be pleasing to all --
as far as possible. -- Well! I am doing that now! There are some people that are better off from me as far as possible and then it is easy to be pleasant (or not...)

844 -- Now that is a story I can relate to. It is part of life too. And your flowers are beautiful too, along with all your quotes, especially the last one.
I hope I have been able to make you smile with my comments. Have a good day!