Brilliant pic to accompany the statement. Whether you meant to or not(?) the little fly is supported by the petals and perhaps the fly helps pollinate the flower..... and life continues to sustain.
Thank you!
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Sandy, thank you very much for understanding it the way i wanted it to be conveyed..... :)
Mother Nature Blesses us through different Seasons...
Regards :)
Nature is the most Amazing Designer....
Regards :)
#855, 862 and 863 are my referred in your last pics, :) especially the last one :eek:
Your uploads are endless and beautiful Nandakumar :) When do you shoot so many nice images and find nice wordings for them?
Congrats :)
Thank you very much Binnur; actually i click less compared to most others; further i plan and prepare less...and regarding wordings...some times i have to force my self to get something suitable for the image, sometimes i repeat....thank God, things are going on :)
On different occasions silence can have different implications...
Regards :)
Sandy, thank you very much :)
A lens can enlarge only the appearance, not the real size....
Regards :)
Scape 861, nicely captured and quoted.
862, nicely captured and loaded quote. Joke from a Californian-"we like seasons that's why we chose the good ones".
863, nice capture and quote oh so true.
864, nice capture and another so true quote.
865, nice capture and quote.
Understanding beauty is sometimes different from understanding the subject....
Regards :)
861 -- That is a nice flower shot, Nandy, if I may say so myself. Every life, yes -- many lives are interconnected supporting one another. I believe in that...because no man is really an ocean.
862 -- harvests are a blessing especially when it comes from one's garden -- like my unending supply of asparagus each day this season...
863 -- I looked at this moth like looking at an alien...God is everywhere creating and people sometimes unknowingly plagiarizes His/Her design. LOL
864 -- this flower looks like velvety. I can almost feel the texture on my hand when I touched the screen. My monitor falls short of the feeling...
865 -- True but as it can magnifies objects there are some things in it that makes you leap for joy when you see something you did not expect, like an extra bug magnified through it have freeloaders on them.
866 -- your favourite colour, Nandy...I was thinking that if you blur this object a little bit more then you can make it like a cloud but of a different colour. That is the first thing I thought about when I saw this image -- clouds. Your quote is spot on!
Cheers. I like to think that I had made you smile today.
Expectations take life ahead; exasperations draw it back....
Regards :)
866-7, nicely captured and quoted.