hahaha..must be true, Sandy; thank you very much :)
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Nothing awkward; yet....
Regards :)
To present usual things in an unusual way is an aspect of Art....
Regards :)
961, nicely captured and quoted.
962, nicely captured and quoted.
963-64, nicely captured and quoted.
Don't be insensitive, nor be hypersensitive; be so in genuine measure...
Regards :)
Thank you so much Izzie; it is a tiny flower of bottle gourd; the climber has spread all over the courtyard plants; the happy thing is that there are large number of flowers all over the branches; sad thing is that flowers turn to vegetable quite rarely; and if at all started to become one, decays in the monsoon; luckily today i could got one; but from top a five meter coconut tree by using an extended plucker :)
Sometimes Nature is the hunter, Nature is the prey.....
Regards :)
Sometimes we go searching for things and sometimes we wait for things to come to us...
Regards :)
Now never dies...
Regards :)
I remember my grandparents having gourds and when small, they shaped them in bottles where it grows to the shape of the bottles. It has many uses apart from food, especially in crafts. The flowers are edible too. I don't eat the fruit itself, never had but I think I had eaten other variety of gourds. I remember our gourd plants on 4 sides of a structure that covers our long barbecue table that also served as a place to food food on the table buffet style for my grandparents' workers from the fields.
Yikes! any cold blooded critter scares me. Good shot though....did the bird survive?Quote:
Sometimes Nature is the hunter, Nature is the prey.....
So True... another nice connection to your quote.Quote:
Sometimes we go searching for things and sometimes we wait for things to come to us...
Now becomes yesterday tomorrow.Quote:
Now never dies...
965, nicely captured and quoted.
966, very inventive composition, nicely quoted.
967, nicely composed and quoted.