Binnur, thank you very much; my blood sugar is high; so started medicine along with insulin... also, not fully recovered from fever; hoping to be OK, soon :)
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Every little life has its own beauty....
Regards :)
You may not always get the best; but try to get the best, the situation permits....
Regards :)
992-3, nicely captured and quoted.
The single cellular living being to the Modern "Cellular" living Being are all beads of the same thread....
Regards :)
So true...
Or do your best even if for some your best is not good enough...Quote:
You may not always get the best; but try to get the best, the situation permits....
I like both of your pixs here. Green. One of my favourite colours.
Take care Nandy...get well.
Izzie, thank you very much for your kind words of support :)
Flowers can support any wordings; but flowers themselves need no words to support their appeal...
Regards :)
994-5, nicely captured and quoted.
John, thank you very much indeed :)
Human intelligence is a feeble reflection of the Cosmic Intelligence....
Regards :)
Scape.996 Human intelligence is a feeble reflection of the Cosmic Intelligence....
Excellent statement and supporting pic! Well done! :)
So true Nandy...this is one example of beautiful that need no words. Nice colour.
In the big realm of existence is the real intelligence and wisdom that man cannot even grasp nor understand. Everything is relative to it.Quote:
Human intelligence is a feeble reflection of the Cosmic Intelligence....
Two beautiful flowers this time around. Both merits attention.
Scape.996/Corrected to 997
It is Life everywhere, whether we realize it or not...
Regards :)
Very true, Nandy...lovely shot of this flower, too...Suggestion: one day, take a pix of a carrot. It has life too. Whenever someone says life, it makes me smile to remember a movie I once saw of Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts when he was being paired by his family because he is sooooo much dedicated to being a bachelor. One of the ladies he was being paired to is a vegetarian. I think she was beginning to eat a carrot when Hugh Grant said that ... "even a cooked carrot once have a life..." or something like that...:D