Let there be love...and light...
Regards :)
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Let there be love...and light...
Regards :)
1120, you've definitely captured the gentleness, nicely quoted.
1121, nicely captured and quoted.
Very nice flowers
In Nature, all creatures are not equally gentle; some are equipped with harshness to survive....
Regards :)
Peace is priceless...
Regards :)
Agree! Picture is priceless as well!Quote:
Scape 1122 - Peace is priceless.......
As much as I enjoy your abstract and colorful flowers, it's nice to see a landscape photo. Is this near to where you live?
1121, yet they can be gentle towards their offspring, nicely captured and quoted.
1122, nicely captured and quoted.
Thank you very much, Dan
I have edited the image
Now i too think this is better for the theme :)
Art,thank you very much; this place is about 200km away from where i live, a suburbun place of Cochin, Kerala-15 km from Cochin. It is full of water bodies. scarcely populated. I went to attend a marriage in Cochin and so decided to visit this place in early morning; a wonderful place, named "Kadamakkudi"". :)