Excellent photo and well matched with the wisdom. Perhaps a heavy vignette would work better than the hard frame?
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Dan, thank you very much for your good suggestion; i will try that too :)
Be scientifically religious and religiously scientific....
Regards :)
PS: Just added some vignette as per Dan's suggestion :)
I would get rid of half flower bottom left
Roy, thank you very much.
True, the flower seen at the bottom corner is a distraction
1193, nicely captured, framed, and quoted.
1194, nicely captured and quoted. Very dynamic tones.
Thank you very much, Dan :cool:
From the position at an instance alone, status cannot be assessed...
Regards :)
1194. I agree that the vignette is better then the frame, but it's personal preference.
Joe, i too agree with that. Actually i was doing with some horizontal, vertical, ovoid, circular etc. type frames lately. This was part of the series :)
1195, Nicely captured and quoted.
John, thank you very much :)
Learn to listen; listen to learn...
Regards :)
PS: color modified in Gimp 2
Thank you very much Dan; when i don't get a suitable image, i use flowers..... :)
1196, nicely captured and quoted.