I'm glad that you were able to watch,yes sad story..
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There is nothing "dead" in this Universe; everything has life, is Life...
Regards :)
Reminds me of a lot of the sort of images I've been working with lately but none done so well. Very nice.
Very nice bud:)
Beyond is Within...
Regards :)
Those who know many things, know nothing; those who know One Thing only, Know everything....
Regards :)
No more images?? :confused: :(
Haha..Thank you Bin; the thing is that March and April are the two busiest months for me because the entrance examinations for various professional courses come during this period. Several crash programs are held during this period and so i have travel a lot; i will have to leave home early morning and sometimes reaches back at night only.... body and mind are tired a bit too; yet i will squeeze out some time and enjoy my presence, at least for some time; regards to you and all :)
A moment's carelessness can be fatal at times....
Regards :)
I edited my posts and removed the links Nandakumar.But I have other bad news for you:( I think your thread has already been on the internet since you started this thread with the name 'Mindscapes'.I noticed it when I saw your thread on the internet because of the film we talked about,I made some search with the search engine to check if there were others and unfortunatelly there were:( Write 'Mindscapes Nandakumar' into the seacrh engine and your page will come to you.As far as I remember I saw another one if you write 'Mindscapes'..I don't know if you can do anything about it:confused:
Fight the tiredness,keep them coming bud:D
Really like 239, 241. Very dramatic.
I think it is because you used 'Mindscapes' for the name of your thread and there are so many 'Mindscapes' on the internet that the internet caught your thread too.The page I saw has been on the internet since january 6th which was when you started your thread..I hope someone doesn't use some of your images with your meaningful words without your permission :(.They are valuable :)
Beauty is not only in symmetry...
Regards :)