1297, nicely captured and quoted.
Printable View
1297, nicely captured and quoted.
Thank you very much, John
A silent prayer....
Regards :)
Hi Nandakumar - #1294 - Interesting narrative about the traffic problems and image! The roads around my area are nicely flat without drop offs! <whew>
Enjoyed the birds and the statements that match them - especially # 1295 - "If you watch around, every day has something refreshing to offer." It is a good reminder to me to appreciate what I have..... :)
Thank you so much, Sandy :)
Have a nice day, everyday.....
Regards :)
1298, nicely seen, captured, and simply quoted.
1299, so direct, so nicely captured.
Have an eye of Eternal vigilance upon your character....
Regards :)
Congratulations on your 1,300th Mindscape. So many inspiring thoughts and photos.
The world does not always recognise that strength of character can be more evident in someone who is caring and considerate than in those who are less so. Mother Theresa, might be an extreme example.
David, thank you very much; you rightly pointed out a good example, Mother Teresa, who dedicated her whole life to bring happiness to the most downtrodden of the society....
Say Good Morning; act accordingly....
Regards :)
Scape 1300, nicely captured and quoted.
1301, nicely captured and quoted.
Hi Nandakumar - I especially appreciate the reminders to enjoy our lives and be caring about what we think and do! Your images that you've added to your various statements reinforce the thoughts you express. Thank you very much for taking time to keep us (me) headed in the "right direction"! :)
Wisdom is that which discriminates between temptations and inspirations....
Regards :)
1302, very crisp exposure, nicely quoted.