only if your world view includes straight line time with a beginning. If there is no Beginning there is no creator. Though there will be an infinity of co-creators
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Yes Brian; we all contribute our creations; and we rejoice doing that :)
Those silver clouds just smile and pass by, vanishing unto no where...
But those dark frightening clouds empty themselves so that Life sustains on Earth....
Regads :)
Hi Nandakumar, good to see you are keeping your thread alive, keep them coming bud:)
Thank you very much D :)
Take daily ablution in the serene beauty of Mother Nature....
Regards :)
One need not necessarily have to hold opinion about each and everything around....
Regards :)
...and for our "non-Einsteineous" feeble minds the most comprehensible truth about Universe is that it is incomprehensible...
Regards :)
Cool image Nandakumar:)
Thank you so much D :)
+1 to David's comment :)
Thank you very much B :)
a long time ago I spent a bit of time at a Buddhist temple. The monk that tried to train me once told me that part of his training was to not speak for 10 years and to not lie down for twenty. This was to help him learn how to think and how to control his body. It is not our minds that are feeble it is our training that is feeble.
It is the feebleness of our minds that make them unwilling to undergo the training.... ;)