Nicely presented.
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Lovely images and thoughts!
John, thank you very much :)
Barbara, thank you so much :)
Charity is compromised responsibility...
Regards :)
Not so true? Righteousness is created by developing deep wisdom and great compassion. I have never heard of anyone who developed either let alone both without powerful teachers that were trying to harm the student. Such teachers do not have peaceful minds nor do the students (at the beginning).
At least that is how this un-awakened one understands it. :)
Very nice Nandakumar:)
Beauty never dies; it just keeps changing the bodies....
Regardss :)
Please remember that I am NOT a master or even awakened. However one of the lessons I have learned is that I can learn and indeed need to learn from all things that happen in my life.
From the good the bad and the ugly. My greatest teacher (without going into details) is slowly but surely becoming the one who did me the greatest harm. I believe that when I am able to relate to this person with compassion, love, understanding and true forgiveness that I will have become an awakened being.
This is not happening quickly nor without a great deal of pain. But the pain and discomfort is creating wisdom ( a very little) and compassion (certainly not the great compassion)
If this makes any sense to your journey... good. If it doesn't then just ignore my ramblings and keep on your path.
Brian, what you have stated here is perfectly true; we learn far more from bad experiences than from good, of course, if we care to learn. So these words really do make sense :)
Absolutely a beautiful flower, a rose by any other means is still a rose but in this one you nailed the beauty of this flower. I like the lighting ... and of course, your wisdom. Having experienced it once, I believe in life after death Nandakumar, though this is debatable to those that had not had the chance to.