Togetherness is happiness...
Regards :)
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Togetherness is happiness...
Regards :)
Nandakumar, are Indian people similar to Greek or Italian culture where families are big and always getting together often? That is their "togetherness" and it is usually very noisy like they are celebrating everyday. The Indians I know personally were quiet people and very protective of their privacy...and all of them are quietly spoken too.
I how i managed to get even this much closer was after a long struggle. Since cell phone camera is with every one it is very difficult to get clean images without raised hands in the foreground.....
Cell phone, facebook, whatsapp, selfie....:mad: ;) ;) ;) ...everybody has the right to enjoy his own way, no? :cool:
Of course Indian tradition was having big family of two three or even four generations living together.... but the trend is fast changing, where people choose to build nuclear families.... But during festivals and similar kind of celebrations, people come together in large number, as in any other part of the world.... the mob you see in the foreground is not even having 1% women.... Ladies, children and families watch from at the back of the crowd, where it is safe... You cannot always expect the crowd to behave decently...There is a separate pavilion on the side for foreign tourists, which is always heavily packed .... ;)
Well said Brian :cool:
Those who keep their minds simple, are happy ones...
Regards :)
John, thank you very much; the fun is that i did not notice the thing until i clicked to upload then i let it remain there( laziness is the excuse :( )... it is probably.. some plant part :)
I think my simple mind cannot overtake the complexities of my thinking, Nandakumar...I tried breathing exercise, I tried a warm shower (maybe cold icy shower can do wonders...but I doubt it..) I also tried yoga and thinking of a black blank nothingness...nothing. My brain is just too much for little old me...:cool: :Dbut I tried...God knows I do. Maybe one day....there is still hope for me...I am day...
Izzie, very correct; the things i point out are about the state i aspire to be, not achieved yet... ;)
When all the complexities of mind ends wisdom begins (this i can make the caption of next image:rolleyes: )
Thank you very much; regards :)
I do meditate everyday, Brian...especially when I am wanting to do something, like for instance editing an image to my liking...I meditate on how I wanted it to look like, one focus mind achieves a goal -- that is for me...then after visualizing I take on my task and do it till I am happy with the result. Then the chaos starts another fend it off, I wash the floor. Washing the floor, on my belief system, humbles me...because I only do one thing -- do a good job like no one has ever done it before...many people do not realize that washing the floor or doing only one task at a time is a way...the longer you do it, the better one feels...
Thank you Brian; thank you Izzie...... yes, meditation/ contemplation can be on any subject... It is like any point on a circle...ultimately you reach the centre...then you realize , you are the circle....long way to go..... :cool:
End of all complexities is Wisdom...
Regards :)
Very true :)