I am not a master. However I have found that by using mindfulness I can reduce my scattered thoughts. just a thought.
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Yes...I agree...
A keen mind is a clean mind....
Regards :)
You do not have much to do? Have you seen a picture of Einstein's desk side by side with an "empty suit"'s desk? The latter is clean...
Nandakumar, a clean mind...that has many implications, but to me, it is that of a job/project just finished and the desk cleared and now preparing for the next one...
Brian, didn't you mean dusk? If so, this was dawn and my bad processing converted it to messy :( If you meant desk, Izzie has answer for you ;)
Thank you Brian, thank you Izzie :)
With advancement of technology, we live more in the virtual worlds and less in the real world...
Regards :)
That is true of most generations nowadays. With so many social networks nowadays my kids used to be in Google and Facebook, etc. Now that they are gainfully employed and have started a family, they only uses their iphone lesser. I know...I checked on them from time to time...:cool:
Very much true Brian...as per vedantic principles the so called real world you see around is as unreal as a dream; while we see a dream, it is as real as the so calledreal world, until we wake up...and we have yet to wake up to a more real thing-which is our true nature- to realize the unreality of the real world :rolleyes:
Thank you very much Brian :)
God, save me from myself.....
Regards :)
Thank you very much John... :)
Brian, yes...vedanta is very simplest truth that is the most difficult to understand.... :)
Thank you very much Izzie.....many a time we ignore the fact that meanness is originating from us only... :(
I am here.... ;)
Always dream beyond what you have achieved....
Regards :)