Nicely seen and processed.
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I am really pleased to know that John; thank you very very much :)
Thank you very much Christina and Izzie; love your interpretations very much :)
Colors are there, just because Light is there....
Regards :)
Thank you very much Izzie :)
Thank you very much John :)
We can freeze time only in frames, not in Life....
Regards :)
John, thank you so much :)
That's a stunning shot, Nandakumar. Is that guy holding onto the animals' tails? Is he ploughing or 'water-skiing'?
Great Shot Nandakumar
I like this shot, too...and the mono conversion. I like sepia...Great action...!!!
Great Photo! I like the monochrome look and how the water is being splashed everywhere.
Greg; thank you very much;this was a part of post harvest festival; it is a competition conducted in some paddy field after reaping and ploughing...and yes, the man is holding the tail...the fact is that they bend the tail to instill pain, so that the poor thing will run faster...In India, this sports item has been legally banned now as to prevent cruelty against animals... :)
Joe, thank you very much :)
Izzie, thank you very much :)
Sam, thank you so much :)
How we see ourselves may be different from how others see us...
Regards :)