835 -- good quote here and beautiful simple flower for illustration made this for me.
836 -- Truly quoted. 'Wish all of us have beautiful backgrounds too, you know...relations, jobs, parents, siblings...but then where will the lesson to be learned be if that is the case?
837 -- I think they are many...tried as I may, I do not really see one unless you manipulated the necks to turn a certain way via processing. Then that is cheating..


838 -- Nandy, I must admit, when I was living in Oz (before I met Bill) I have plenty of flowers (roses mainly) and still I go around the 'hood to take my dog for a walk with a secateur in my back pocket just in case I like a certain flower/plant. Most of them lived of course . Gardening and flowers are calming spirit to me...just like cooking and photography. Anyway...I like the last image -- I thought they were book covers if you know what a mean..