yes, i meant it
Yesterday i got a cockroach; i put it in a glass and gave it some jaggery; but alas, i forgot i did it and remembered that five or six hours later; i felt bad for the creature and with some repentance looked into the glass, just to see it was continuing to enjoy the sweet; then i captured the image posted above; the fun is that it cooperated somewhat, thanks to the jaggery
Yesterday i took a glass i had placed earlier outside to collect feathers of pigeons(once we had a lot of them)and when i took the glass at night again, to my surprise, there was a spider-model waiting for me on it...and it moved with a slow pace, helping me
Later i thankfully let them say goodnight into the darkness outside....
Thank you very much Binnur![]()
Last edited by Wavelength; 28th June 2017 at 02:40 AM.
941, nicely captured, quoted, and very colorful.
942, nicely done and quoted.
943, nicely captured and quoted.
And I ended that with a question of "never reveals "WHAT?" Sadness, pain, turmoil.....
This one looks like it could cause some hurt - spikes on its legs - shudder! Is it dangerous to humans?
Thank you for your thought provoking images and statements. I appreciate your creativity!![]()
Sandy, thank you very much; actually i meant, how Nature heals is her secret which man has to venture into and study before he could apply it to humanity.....![]()
Sure, sure sandy..that was what i meant...thank you very much![]()
Very nice concept! Different! Artistic!
Very much thank you, Harmon; the thing is that i got it as by chance; i was just attempting to capture the critter, everything else a boon by Nature![]()