972, nicely captured and quoted.
972, nicely captured and quoted.
I know what you mean...but let me divert you to a story. I went out with my husband to pick up parts for my husband's airplane way out in Kansas City, Kansas. I changed my clothes from a long summer dress to a short one and ended up with a long shorts (knee high) that I cut off from one of his pants last week. I wore the one with the hole at the back and long threads hanging down my leg. Anyway, we ended up in The Money Museum (10J) There were quite a few tourists in the building but no one saw what I was wearing. They noticed my camera and my tripod but not the clothes I was wearing, nor the holes at the back of my pants. To prove my point, we went to another museum -- the TWA Museum. Both of these museums are on the side of Missouri, not Kansas anymore though it is still called the same name, Kansas City. The two sides of Kansas City, one in the state of Kansas and the other on the Missouri side.
Anyway, Bill's first real job was there. He was born and raised in Kansas (the State). He worked 3 years here (Missouri side) where TWA used to be. It is now a museum and a privately run airline (charter). We went in to see the museum. No one even noticed the hole in my pants. I went around and took some pictures. I was introduced to quite a few of Bill's ex-co-employees (pilots).
What I am trying to say here is the reverse of your wisdom here. In the two places where we went no one noticed the hole on my pants. They noticed me and my camera and gave way for me to take pictures. Perhaps I was doing something more important that they do? -- recording memories of my visit? Perhaps we need to divert our attention to a flaw instead of dwelling on it? Just my thoughts...
#972 Self confidence is not that which one loses when his wearing shirt is found to have a hole; observation is not that which one takes more interest in the hole of one's shirt that in the person himself....
I went to bed thinking about your post and then I woke and started contemplating it again. So here's the conclusion of thought that I settled upon......"perhaps we should not focus on the outward appearance of a person but rather concentrate on his or her actions since that is the definition of the person's soul. "
Thank you always for your inspirational statements.
#973To die is to defy aging because you don't grow older anymore.
Hi Nandakumar ~ Personally, I'm not quite ready to defy aging! There is still too much to do and to see! The accompanying pic is quite appropriate for your statement!![]()
973, nicely captured and quoted, very thought provoking and mysterious.
974, nicely captured and quoted.
975, nicely captured and quoted.
You are talking of physicality here on Earth, but it does not matter because were are here to also advanced our soul.Scape.973
To die is to defy aging because you don't grow older anymore...![]()
Sandy, life is not meant to be easy. It is meant to be lived. With its ups and downs, we learn lessons that makes us strong. Enjoy the ride.
I would 'most' comes to the level of fruition, apart from the real evil ones who may have to start all over again. Just a thought.Scape.974
In life, out of innumerable efforts, only some come up to the level of fruition....
So true...and this flower is very pretty. I have a few bird of paradise in my Aussie home.Scape.975
Every stage of Life has its own beauty to present and duty to perform...
This is true too...Scape.976
Every flower-however tiny it may be- performing its Dharma...
Sorry for my late response, I had been so busy these last few days, some good some not so good ones that became long days -- the heat and humidity is just killing me I dare not go out at the back until late in the afternoon so I can water my garden and take some pictures. I am glad for controllable central air/heat here in the house and ice water, watermelon, fresh pineapple and all those these days. Frozen grapes too.
Hi Izzie; really interesting reflections on those thoughts.... enjoyed; even if you are late, your presence is for sure; thank you very much indeed![]()